Friedrich Vordemberge-Gildewart
Title: (Composition) Untitled Composition (1936),
3 color serigraph after a 1936 lithograph.
Signed by the artist’s widow and numbered 14/150
Printed by Atelier Arcay, Paris and issued in the portfolio abstraction, création, art non figuratif 1932 – 1936 published by Paul Nemours, Paris, 1973,
Size: Sheet: 84.5 x 66.0 cm – (33¼ x 26 inches)
Condition: Mint
Acquired at auction from Creighton Davis Gallery, San Marcos, California in 2012
Further information on Friedrich Vordemberge-Gildewart
The group Abstraction Création was formed in Paris in 1931; Auguste Herbin was its president and George Vantongerloo vice president. Other members of the board of directors were Jean Arp, Albert Gleizes, Frantisek Kupka and George Valmier. Artists from all over the world were invited to join and send illustrations of their work to be included in the five yearbooks issued between 1932 and 1938 (in black and white). These books are now very rare collectors’ items and the 1973 portfolio, in large format and full color shows the wide perspective of abstract art in the 1930s.
The Piet Mondrian I acquired a few years ago is from a similar portfolio.
Additional Information on the portfolio from which it came:
30 Silkscreens and Lithographs by various early 20th century Abstract artists in a Portfolio
Title: Abstraction Creation Art Non Figuratif 1932-1936
Portfolio size: 89.5 x 74 cm / 35.2 x 29.1 in
Additional information: This is a rare and important complete portfolio that was created to celebrate the French art movement: book “Abstraction Creation Art Non Figuratif.
This portfolio includes an introduction by Margit Staber in three languages (French, English and German), a table of content and
30 Silkscreens and Lithographs in colors by various artists (as detailed below). Each one of the prints is printed on a full seperate sheet and is presented in a plastic folio.
The portfolio was printed in 1973 in a limited edition of only 150 copies (there were an additional 50 artists proofs).
The editor was Paule Nemours.
The prints were mostly printed by Atelier Arcay in Paris but some of them were printed by other printers such as Michel Casse, Paris ; Mourlot,Paris ; Hans Baurle, Stuttgart ; Michel Caza, Franconville ; Franco Sciardelli, Milano.
list of artist, titles, technique and signatures:
1. Hans Arp, Composition, Silkscreen, hand signed by Max Bill.
2. Max Bill, Construction en deux parties, Silkscreen, hand signed by Max Bill
3. Alexander Calder, Composition, Lithograph, hand signed by Alexander Calder
4. Sonia Delaunay-Terk, Rythmes-Couleurs n.816, Silkscreen, hand signed by Sonia Delaunay-Terk
5. Cesar Domela, Compostion, Lithograph and Silkscreen, hand signed by Cesar Domela
6. Hans Erni, Spirale, Silkscreen, hand signed by Hans Erni
7. Hans Fischli, Spuren auf weissem grund 3, Lithograph, hand signed by Hans Fischli
8. Frantisek Foltyn, Composition, Silkscreen, hand signed by Frantisek Foltyn
9. Jean Gorin, Composition spatio-temporelle n.36, Silkscreen, hand signed by Jean Gorin
10. Jean Helion, Equilibre, Lithograph, hand signed by Jean Helion
11. Wassily Kandinsky, Composition, Silkscreen, hand signed by Nina Kandinsky
12. Theo Kerg, Graphisme, Silkscreen, hand signed by Theo Kerg
13. Frantisek Kupka, Abstraction, Silkscreen, stamped signed and authorized by A.G. Martinel
14. Fausto Molotti, Les deux spirales, Lithograph, hand signed by Fausto Molotti
15. Laszlo Moholy-Nagy, Construction, Silkscreen, hand signed by Hattula Hug-Moholy-Nagy
16. Piet Mondrian, Composition D, Silkscreen, hand signed by Max Bill.
17. Taro Okamoto, Espace, Lithograoh, hand signed by Taro Okamoto
18. Antoine Pevsner, Naissance de l’univers, Silkscreen, hand signed by Virgiania Pevsner
19. Mauro Reggiani, Ritmo geometric, Silkscreen, hand signed by Mauro Reggiani
20. Hans Schiess, L’appel, Silkscreen, hand signed by Hans Schiess
21. Henryk Stazewski, Obraz abstrakcyjny II, Silkscreen, hand signed by Henryk Stazewski
22. Wladyslaw Strzeminski, composition, Silkscreen, stamped signed by authorized by Muzeum Sztuki
23. Sophie Tauber Arp, Forme Bleue, Silkscreen,hand signed by Max Bill
24. Theo Van Doesburg, Composition, Silkscreen, stamped signed by Nelly Van Doesburg
25. George Vantongerloo, Y=-x2+bx+c rouge vert, Silkscreen, hand signed by Max Bill
26. Luigi Veronesi, Composition, Silkscreen,hand signed by Luigi Veronesi
27. Paule Vezelay, Grey picture, Silkscreen, hand signed by Paule Vezelay
28. Jean Villeri, Composition, Lithograph, hand signed by Jean Villeri
29. Friedrich Vordemberge-Gildewart, Compostion, Silkscreen,stamped signed by Leda Vordemberge
30. Gerard Vulliamy, Composition, Lithograph, hand signed by Gerard Vulliamy